Call for Nominations for vacant place on the WHA Board

Board 2018After the recent election of a new WHA Board, seven Board members were elected to the Wood Heat Association’s Board of Directors. However, one position was left unfilled, due to the Board categories, where only two people were nominated in the “Developer, installer, manufacturer, or distributor” category, where there were three positions. The WHA Board has therefore chosen to issue an election for the final position.

The WHA Board of Directors will be elected from the membership of the WHA and REA biomass heat members. The board position is as follows: 

The Board will be registered as company directors of the Wood Heat Association on Companies House. The WHA Bye-Laws can be found here.

The role description of the WHA Board of Directors include:

To nominate yourself please please download and complete the WHA Board application form_2018 and email it to Mark Sommerfeld ( by the end of business (18:00) on Friday, 24th August 2018. We will then invite members to vote (online) from the Monday 17th September 2018 to 1st October 2018.